Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Substance over form

I'm sure I noted my difficulty with plans of late - hence what was suppose to be my last posting for the year turned out not to be my last posting for the year - surprise. As per usual a random thought popped into my unsuspecting brain while engaged in a routine daily activity - it is no wonder we have moments of clarity while engaged in innocuous activity; it does not take too many neurons to eat, shit, bath or scratch your ass.

Right, where was I, yes, the unsuspecting thought - my brain sometimes plays this interesting game of connect the dots with me; seemingly random unrelated things seems to some how connect through this web of events, people, things and moments that I call my mind. This accounting concept of substance over form popped into my head this evening while taking a shower (I need to put more thought into soaping my crevices, then I would be less incline to think of other things) - in a nutshell the concept speaks to transactions being presented as one thing (say a sale of an asset) when it is in fact/substance, it is something else (more a loan pretending to be a sale of an asset). I have no idea why that thought popped in my head but it did; which then caused me to recall an encounter with a young lady (who's name I don't remember) on two consecutive Wednesdays at the club (I will make sense of the link later).

This seemingly attractive young lady (and I say seemingly simply because club lights has a similar if not worse effect on your vision than an entire bottle of scotch - experience is the best teacher) with her acquired North American accent requested a drink from the bar which we did not have at the time (sorry did I mention that I was bar tending - I'll stick to my day job for now); then proceeded to express her disappointment with the bar and its drink selection or lack of it I suppose. While these two dots were connecting - substance over form and young lady with acquired accent requesting a drink which clearly she had only recently acquired a taste for (right around the same time she acquired her accent) - my thoughts moved to whether any of the countless attractive women at the club and many of the other places I have encountered them could engage in a spirited discussion about any substantive subject matter. Could they have a discussion which required a serious and intentional cognitive process; could they engage in a discussion which was not solely emotive with no logic, was not based on the latest gossip from the entertainment news or from the hairdressing salon.

I wondered whether having stripped away the form (voluptuous curves, and the ability to disarm the average man with a smile) there would be any substance to these women. Would I beg them to shut up or regret even opening my mouth to speak to them once they had opened their mouth to speak to me. Thankfully I do not have the answer - I prefer admire them for their physical beauty from a far and not have that image ruined by them trying to string together a sentence. I won't be too harsh, there is the occasional diamond in the rough.

On the other hand there are people (yes I mean men too); who are fully capable of stringing together a sentence and on the surface seem to have substance - but once you get below the surface you would be lost in their vast emptiness. My mom has a saying that I will not fuck up trying to write it in creole (though it sounds much better in creole) "the young women are beautiful flowers with no fragrance" while that may not apply to all, I suspect it applies to alot of the current crop of these young women out there - what's more disturbing is the young men seem to have even less substance than their female counterparts. Dumb and dumber.

So the dots have been connected; accounts-club-bar-young lady with acquired accent putting on a show-have lascivious thoughts (not all thoughts become things) - remember you on occasion like to engage in meaningful discourse - you might be chancing it to think that gorgeous woman is capable of speaking without making your ears bleed and your brain hurt - my god I'm blessed to have met some beautiful and intelligent women to date - and I wonder why I come across as "fresh"/stuck up to some people.

Tomorrow is Wednesday, another VIP Wednesday, I'm sure I will encounter a few young ladies with some gorgeous forms as for the substance part, well, - home have.

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