Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jesus and the Barber

Men and women should generally not be painted with the same brush; however considering that we share similar socialisation, it is no wonder that we tend to display similar behaviours. In conversation with Sofie a couple days ago we spoke briefly about an individual (yes we do that on occasion, blame it on socialisation) who will remain nameless (the names and organisation in this posting have been changed to protect the identity of the silly - lol); who after much time away from any religious congregation (save attending a feast in recognition of some religious holiday) made some what of a dramatic return to the fold (albeit a visiting return). Ba Ba Ba!

Of course being cognisant of the sometimes (emphasis on sometimes) interesting way my brain works it got me thinking of the standard behaviour some women exhibit after they have had a trying time or few with men. I have noted three common reactions/behaviours.

There is the cutting off of all hair - for which you may get the following reasons/excuses: "it's my hair I can do what I want with it" ( you of course may have caught her on a bad day; shortly after she decided, fuck da man); "I just wanted a change, you know something different" (that more often than not translates to, I want a change in man, I starting fresh - as if old hair signifies old boyfriend); "then there is, me I couldn't take on that hair thing again too much trouble to maintain" (yes you guessed it, the old boyfriend was more stress than he was worth - cut him off).

Then of course there is the other response to prolonged man stress, which is usually temporary, but often the first course of reaction - "me I done with men, all men are dogs (or pigs, it depends on how disgusted they feel about the man at the time), all of them are the same". That usually goes with two other by-product reactions, celibacy at one end of the spectrum and liberal sexual freedom on the other (the liberation usually takes the form of revenge - i.e. trying to play and or break as many fellas hearts as possible; and or being the other woman for a change - fuck her not me that make the world how it is). Either way that works for a while - then loneliness creeps in and that void must be filled by something (sometimes it's a man - either the same motherfucker which brought on the reaction(s) or a new motherfucker which will solidify in her mind, the more things change the more they stay the same.)

And then there is my favourite, when all else fails turn to the perfect man - Jesus, God, Allah, Mohammed; which ever manifestation of this being that can do no wrong, that will always be there for you through any situation and will only demand undying love and devotion. The best thing about this spiritual male manifestation, there is no house work, dolling up, pretense or obligatory sex. What makes him more perfect is that the woman does not even have to see him. It's the perfect visiting relationship. Some women after much stress from my fellow man turn to religion, they pray for strength to get through the difficulty; to make the man a better man; help them find a good man; help them be a better person, someone that is deserving of a life partner to love and reciprocate love. I suspect often God is the last resort - at that point I suppose they have done all they can to help themselves (including cutting their hair and swearing off men or relationships) and the logical alternative is God.

Women have different coping mechanisms (especially to deal with men) some work well some don't, but they all have good entertainment value. On behalf of my fellow species I apologise for the stress we sometimes put you'll through, we can be tremendous assholes - sometimes it is not by choice but by nature; bare with us we evolve slower, there is some catching up to do.

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