Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

It's my birthday, and I said I would blog on my birthday - actually I said I would not blog till my birthday, but so much for that plan. I knew I would blog on this day, but I had no idea what about, actually I still don't. Perhaps something profound, philosophical, interesting - nothing comes to mind. When the hands of the clock slowly creep past midnight into that new day is some wisdom from the years expected to creep with it - I'm still waiting. Thirty two (32), I had to see that in letters and numbers. I feel no different from yesterday - but I'm certainly different than I was ten years ago. Ten years ago this age was not even a thought, but here I am, 32 - the thought time creeps by quickly sums up this moment.

Soon I'll be progressing to a new age bracket, trying to keep the signs of times' effect on my once vibrant body at bay - till then I'll enjoy every bit of my youth, I'm more than young at heart. I am thankful for having seen 32 good years on this earth, thankful for my parents who brought me here and nurtured me, thankful for my few good friends and just enough buddies, thankful for my wife and son - despite the shit that comes my way every now and then, I'm most thankful for everything that has made this life worth living.

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