Man it was a good weekend. One day disappearing into the next, by Sunday I had forgotten what day it was. We were up to see the opening and closing of every day - sun set, sun rise. There was one minor hiccup but that did not phase us. This weekend was the first time I could say I slept, comfortably and soundly in a vehicle (the caravan we rented); albeit it was only 2 hours or so - I was dead to the world. I had another first on Sunday or should I say Monday morning - I fell asleep standing up and caught myself just as I was about to fall forward onto this woman in front of me.
I saw more of the island than I have on the previous 6 occasions I have been there for work, but that is not to say I saw much of the island; but I saw enough to make the trip enjoyable. None stop fete. Let me attempt to summaries. Got through immigration in a breeze, thanks to my Lucian buddy living and working in Dominica, fro
m there we drove to our apartment in Mahaut (yes Mahaut, like the one in Micoud, St. Lucia); dropped off our bags and headed down to Roseau (yes Roseau Valley in St. Lucia) to link up with the rest of our buddies who were there from the Wednesday - hung out for a bit, talk shit, oil (this is the word used to refer to drinking alcohol); headed back to Mahaut to bath and dress for the show; got there just about midnight.

We got to the show just in time for Kassav, the group we really wanted to see - I need not tell you they were good (but they performed better in St. Lucia for the Jazz festival). The show went up until 6:40am Saturday; from there we headed down to the market to get some breakfast. We ended up buying stuff to cook instead then it was off to the apartment . With the exception of Ernest we

Off to the show at about 11pm (or was it later, can't remember) and arrived just in time for
Morgan Heritage - good performance, but after a while the effects of the day started in on me, so I headed to the stands. Made it to day break - Sunday, and from the show we head down to the waterfront for the next lime till 10am. Then it was time to continue the lime; headed back to the apartment for a shower and down by Kato's Kubuli Bar for brunch (Kubuli is the local beer). After brunch we head to Trafalgar falls, the fresh water lake and eventually end up behind some one's house bathing in a river (I've heard of beach front property, but this was the first time I experienced river front property). Once we had frozen our extremities off we went across to a friendly Dominican's house to eat then off to Cane Field by another group of buddies to get dressed for the show. We fell asleep in the caravan before we made it to the show.

We got to the show at about 10pm. It was a good
show but the weekend had caught up with me, and despite the Monster energy drink, there was not much Monster energy in me and I began to drift during the show. But tada - to my rescue came Roy Cape and the all stars; soca in my wyah - energy god returneth. The Lucian crew took over the people show - I buss a hard wyhine and a sweat and call it George. From the show which finished at 6:15am on a Monday morning, which was a work day we went back to Cane Field to pick up my phone and down to the docks to head home.

""I buss a hard wyhine and a sweat and call it George."" Hilarious!!!