Thursday, September 24, 2009

In need of rehab

They say the first step to addressing any problem is to first admit there is a problem. Maisia, I have I problem, nah it's a sickness. Garson, why every time I see a good looking woman my mind and my body just do a shate. I see a good looking woman and my thoughts become scrambled, I am momentarily paralyzed, just at the sight, not a thought of doing anything to that woman - just the sheer magnificence of the female structure numbs my brain. What the fuck?
Nah, I tell you I sick. Understand, I don't want to fuck every woman in the world, I have long since come to terms with the fact that I can't - truth be told I don't look at these women with that solitary thought in mind either (at least it's not the first thought). It's more like damn girl, why the fuck you have to look so good.
The thought is ephemeral - but for that moment it last - OMG! Fortunately I am not a very forward person - Sofie would say I choose who I'm forward with; perhaps there is some truth to that. But I would not walk up to a perfect strange and say damn girl you looking good - or any variation of that; nor would I say something like; "uh miss doh take it da wrong way but you should make somebody take a picture of your ass so you could see how good it looking" I would probably think that, but I would not say it.
My good god, there are a lot of fine looking women in this place - what the eyes can't see the heart (or any other part for that matter) can't speak of. I thank god every day for my sight, I thank him/her doubly when I see a good looking woman.

1 comment:

Sun kissed

Sun kissed sand colored skin lay bare A tapestry of eroticism glowing with desire Seeping lascivious proclivities, whispering Taunting, teas...