Friday, July 3, 2009

Departing at Room 4

Death is unbiased - it shows no favor to anyone. To death we must all pay our debt. Death in the most tragic of circumstances is an emissary of mercy. It shows clemency to the weary, frustrated, hurt, defeated. The reaper takes away all pain, all fear, all worry.

Death never operates by our schedule, and doubt it as we may, it is always on time. It comes to pick up our loved ones and leaves behind a void; seldom do we rejoice at the arrival of death and the departure of the people we love.

Death arrived yesterday, and with it, it took a friend, sister, mother, aunt, fiance. The sadness associated with death has always been something remote for me, but yesterday, it could not be escaped - it touched me. I watched the pale skin and lifeless body of a friend lay on a hospital bed - I barely recognised this once vibrant woman I knew with an incredible joie de vivre.

She looked peaceful with death, her fight now over, there will be no more pain for her. And when the grieving stops - I hope we realize that yesterday, death again was on time. Saffy lived her life to the fullest and did not go silently into the night.

Rest in Peace Saffy.

1 comment:

Sun kissed

Sun kissed sand colored skin lay bare A tapestry of eroticism glowing with desire Seeping lascivious proclivities, whispering Taunting, teas...