Sunday, June 28, 2009

Still Human

I can feel the grains of sand rolling around in my eyes, a telltale sign of my premature departure from the land of slumber. It has been a while since he or she (gender undetermined) has tugged at me - besieged me to sit here and put color to my thoughts; my writer took a leave of absence, but today it makes its return.

My sleep was disturbed by the thoughts of emotions; yes emotions, we're back to that again. Emotions, this distinctively human quality - this necessary evil - emotions makes us the more evolved animal. But my quarrel with emotions are more with those emotions that can wreak havoc on the relationships between men and women - the double edge swords that can bring much pleasure with an unequal amount of pain. Bloody emotions, the sworn enemy of logic and reason - the two, rather three can not co-exist; emotional humans are incapable of a logical thought process, the basis of action is always rooted in some bleeding heart emotion. If a major flaw is to be identified in a human, it is our inability to keep our emotions in check - because try as you may, it at one point gets the better of you. I too have fallen victim to it - hence I know, I'm still human.

They're tricky little bastards; don't attempt to keep them in check and you become a cream puff - the next welcome mat to unwillingly accept all the dirt/shit from the many passers by in your life; keep too hard a grip on them and you become cold, almost sub-human. I wonder whether animals have emotions - they probably don't, because unless it is in the latest Hollywood film, there are no wars or crimes of passion or anything negative that one can associate with emotions in the animal kingdom (the occasional fight among kin for breaking the rules or for being a block head).

Emotions have some use, but if I had my way I would do away with some of these freaking emotions - they can be destructive and nothing more than hindrances. But alas, being human means having emotion - though we can with much work eliminate or at least pretend to eliminate some, we have them, and must have them - these necessary evils.

Truth be told however, I love every aspect of my humanness - it gives much color to my life; but sometimes I could do without these wretched emotions.

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