Saturday, May 30, 2009

Internal Memorandum

Confounded recollections of the past dragged from the annals of my mind, now manifest in a not so obscure reality. Every now and then your past jumps out at you and kicks you square in the jaw - and for a moment you stop in your tracks and ask; what the fuck was that. Just a gentle reminder of some of the not so pleasant things of times past.

"Hey, how are you?" She asked. An inconvenient salutation, with an even more inconvenient response. "I'm good." I was actually, up until that question. "Is that your son?" She continued, "Yes"; a desperate attempt to be monosyllabic and cut this interaction short as I continue walking. "He's cute." She said. I put on the best smile I could muster at the moment, but never broke my stride.

My past of late has been making it a habit (one which I do not appreciate) of taking unauthorised vacations from my memory, I think a memo is in order to the recollections department.

To: Memories
Recollections Department

From: The Brain
Your Freaking Boss

Date: Now

Subject: Unauthorised manifestation in the host body's reality

It has come to my attention that you have been making some unwelcomed visits at the most inappropriate times to the personal space of our benevolent and gracious bodily host. Our host has expressed his unhappiness with this development. Please be informed that effective immediately you are to cease and decease with this SHIT!!!

Please be guided accordingly.


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