Thursday, April 2, 2009


My nephew got maimed in a fight a few weeks ago; and as if that was not enough to enrage me, tonight I met one of his so called friends who was there when the incident occurred and just stood by without lifting a finger to assist, or put a stop to it. The boy would have the temerity to look me in the face and tell me that he is not a fighter, he doh get himself involve in dem tings, so what did I expected him to do. What the fuck. Listen I was across from him with a huge fridge between us and all I wanted to do was leap across and jump in his fucking meg muddacunt chest.

What the fuck! You stand by and watch your friend get chopped and say nothing, do nothing; what the fuck. Listen if I were out with my friend (and I have few), and someone were to raise their voice at my friend I would step in and ask what was the problem. Firstly to quell any possibility of an altercation, secondly to let him know he needs to consider his next move very carefully; however if that person persisted and made the mistake of raising their hand on my friend, well forget that; da man getting it one fucking time.

The little fucker look at me and tell me, he not a fighter, what de muddacunt! I was mad like lacing a slap in da man fucking ass. Man I eh tell any body go look for a fight; but there is a time and place for everything, I eh Jesus Christ, I not turning the other cheek, sorry. You not hitting me and I go stand up deh and say, excuse, but why did you hit me. You mad. One of us or both of us leaking.

Da man making joke. Ok I feel a bit better now.

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