My musings have changed from a mere two and a half months ago and I sometimes miss the darker side - the rancour, the melancholy, my paralyzing neurosis, my funk. But I do not miss the emotions synonymous with these musings, but one can not exist without the other. A good friend said to me my darker musings are evidence that I bleed; and damn did my blood flow over the last few months - I almost went into shock from the hemorrhaging. Am I happy - I am not sure, perhaps more unsure of how my happiness is defined.
But, I can say un-equivocally, I am in a better space than a few short months ago. I am in a good space. Getting to this space, this grey area, was interesting to say the least. It is a journey I do not intend to repeat.

The space between where I was and where I could be is what keeps me moving forward; leaving the past in the dark and racing towards the light.
I am not sure what this light will bring, but anything is better than the solitude of darkness. And if darkness is ever to return, I know now how to find the light.
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