Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lost and Found

On Friday a colleague/confidant asked me who am I; and I didn't stop to think of the question nor my response. "I don't know." I said. And as I step out of the shower the question for some reason flashes through my mind. "who are you?" some time ago I attended a meeting and everyone who entered the meeting was asked to say where they are. Another interesting question. "Where are you?" to that my response was similar, albeit not in the same words.

So, where are you and who are you. With pen in hand, ink flowing, thoughts burgeoning, I still respond; I don't know. I am not my profession, neither am I my occupation. What I am and what I do is not who I am, or is it. I play many roles in this life, and I wonder is that who I am. If that is the case then I am more neurotic than I care to admit.

The answer to the question of who I am and where I am, is as mysterious to me as the meaning of life, the notion of true love and the illusion of happiness. These concepts are wrapped in more mystery than the Shroud of Taurine. The son of the north wind should be thankful for having been spared the plight of us mere mortals.

Where I am is where I need to be at this moment in my life irrespective of my financial, emotional, spiritual, physical or any other state now. Right here, right now, this is where I need to be, and that, is where I am.

Who I am, is whom ever I am required to be for what ever reason I am required to be that person or take on that role.

Who I am today is a man trying to find his way to where he needs to be. I am losing myself on my path of discovery.


  1. Where am I? –– "I am standing on the edge of everything I've never been before"


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