Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bunny Eggs

This recently ended long Easter weekend was the best easter/long weekend I have had in a long time. It was a hell of a lot of fun. I did a movie night on Thursday complete with pizza and beer; woke up late (and by late I mean about 7/8am) Friday, put on my walking clothes and shoes and hit the road. I walked from my home to parts not well known and finally stopped at my parents house about 11am. We sat there eating bakes, fish cakes and drinking cocoa tea; we had mackerel for lunch with some ground provisions, later in the afternoon I took J for a drive, we finally ended up on the beach. We, me more than him, took in the scenery, and by that I mean the fine women displaying their finest (really fine) beach apparel.

Saturday morning I went to the gym; got a good work out then went home, ate and headed to my office to get some work done and of course later in the evening (practically the next day) I went to one of my favourite watering holes to take in the various sheep, in all their fine cotton and other man made materials. I was so thoroughly entertained by the sights and sounds of my fellow sheep. I didn't get home till the little hours of Sunday; and you know J and his mother did not allow me to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep, I think it was deliberate. They had me up by 8am; besides I had to prepare chili for lunch by my parents, and anybody that knows me, knows I don't play by my belly. By the time I got home Sunday, the past three days had caught up and I was dead to the world; besides I had to be up to head to a boat ride in the morning.

And Monday morning, (more like afternoon, because the boat ride was suppose to start at 10am we didn't leave till 12pm) saw me, my brother from another mother, his cousin and two visitors from Switzerland waiting to head down the coast on this boat and get shit faced. We never managed to get shit faced, but boy did we have fun. Photos to prove it will be added later, maybe.

Damn that was a great freaking weekend. Thank the north wind and his only begotten son for such a lovely weekend.


  1. enigmaticilluisonsApril 14, 2009 at 4:32 PM

    I had a great weekend too. The movie night was the best. Like the strings of a guitar.

  2. Separate in our togetherness. I always liked that line; though I have misused in the past.


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