Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ventilation - Arrrgh!!!

How I loathe these debilitating thoughts of this unwelcomed guest lingering in the recesses of my mangled mind.

These pungent nauseating thoughts send me into mental convulsions. Wretched memories not leaving like people do. A mental board game, a battle of the ages between my yin and yang with only me sitting at the board. To my victor goes the spoilt.

Not a respite from these mental monologues, the crescendo followed by forced silence; clenched fist banging at the walls of my mind; loud voices screaming out, SHUT UP!!! Voices screaming out till there is no voice left, muted noise; SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!

Then pleas, let me be, set me free from this memorial of rancour, rancour over the whats; what was, what is, what could.

In time I will be free from the confines of these thoughts, soon I will be up for parole; out on not so good behaviour; with a really big sledgehammer in hand.

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