Sunday, March 15, 2009

Under the Breadfruit Tree

It's over, finally, you have been expecting it to come to an end for what now seems an eternity. You never wanted it to end, you tried all within your power to prolong it. You gave it your all, poured your self into it. Looking back now you remember the good times and the bad, the many moments of laughter, dotted by moments of tears.

Regret fills you, regret from having allowed yourself to be consumed by the bad, blackening your soul, robbing you of the fullness of this great experience, this journey, making it less than what it should have been.

But its too late now, it's over, and as you are lowered you hear the cries of the people who loved you, the people you should have loved more, the cries of those who were there for you even when you pushed them away.

Why didn't you appreciate more this gift of LIFE???

1 comment:

  1. This sounds a lot like what I've been through and what I'm still going through sometimes. Wished I too, took the time to appreciate the people around me and tell them the things they needed to hear and not what they wanted me to say.Most of them are out my life right now and it saddens me, like my dad he passed away three years ago. I never got the chance to say hi to him or lay my eyes on him and he's gone.It hurts because i never took the time to go look for him although he abandoned me. What hurts most is the fact that I made other people's thoughts,judgments,opinions and stories about him dictate what i should have done. Although i knew better. Thanks for the great writing... Looking forward in reading some more inspiring thoughts.


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