Thursday, July 28, 2016


This post will be brief. You know how these thoughts work, like links in a chain one connected to another, connect to another till you reach the end of the chain of thoughts which by that time seem so obscure from the first thought. I had this not so random thought, birthed by a light-hearted conversation which shortly wasn't so light-hearted. 

The random thought lead me to ponder on whether there was a distinction between Physical Attraction and Sexual Attraction; and since the world wide web is so filled with content I let my fingers do the typing - and what do you know, I was not far of base with my thinking on the two. My limited research confirmed that one can be physically attracted to a person and not necessarily be sexually attracted to that person - but often times physical attractiveness is linked to sexual attractiveness. 

Suffice to say there are many, many women whom are physically attractive, whom I find physically attractive - but that is distinct from finding them sexually attractive. So yeah, I may see that body, or stunning facial features, do a double take, or even forget blurt out something as evidence of my obvious dumbfoundedness (yes yes, I made up a word) of the sheer beauty which I behold; but that does not mean she gets my juices flowing enough to want to hump. However, it is safe to say there are less than a handful of women who are sexually attractive to me - that the sheer thought of them increases my blood flow in all regions of my body; whom I want to fill with my bodily fluid till there is none left, then proceed to run on empty - until the thought of an erection hurts. To me part of sexual attraction is that it is insatiable, no matter how much of that person you get, it is never enough, I suppose on can argue that this thinking borders on an addiction; but maybe not all addictions are bad for you. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


So I committed to resuming blogging, but for the longest time I have mainly turned to blogging in time of unhappiness; with sprinkles of eroticism - however, on this occasion it is neither, this is just because I said I would resume blogging, so this one will be random as fuck.

So here I am, yes, by now you should realize I use 'so' as a filler a lot - where was I, so here I am wet overcast Tuesday morning the week before carnival sitting at my office when all I want to do is be liming somewhere with a drink and talking a whole lot of shit. The songs 'Ducking' by Fadda Fox and 'Calling in Sick' by King Bubba comes to mind at this point. I can almost taste the whiskey on my tongue, swirling about my mouth, the sweetness of the barley dancing on my pallet as it rolls down my throat, smooth, the inaugural heat opening the chest. Ah yes, the devil's nectar, liquid courage, truth serum - it's been called many names, but it always answers; many a good night as well as many a bad night has had its genesis in one sip.

What the hell am I doing here, really, what? I need to take my ass home, I need to laze about do nothing, drink, curry goat, grill pork and have a drink of Hennessy, Scotch, Patron - sing my favorite soca songs as loud as I can with my eyes closed and head to the sky; whine my waist, run around the place like an idiot; talk plenty shit with my team...In the words of King Bubba ...'ah calling in sick dis is too much vibes to miss mi doctor dun tell mi dis rum is mi only medicine...' Yep! This is pretty much how I feel right about now. God damn it! Who starts a new job in February? Me. I had not thought about carnival, it was not my main concern at the time - I needed to change jobs before I lost my mind, so I did.

Alas, I am here torturing myself, looking at the clock, counting down the hours till I leave the office and have me that first shot of coffee Patron, followed on swiftly by a glass of Hennessy Black which I am going to take my time with - I will caress the glass like the curves of her body and take that glass to my lips like that first kiss after missing it for so long; then I'm gonna do it all over again as many times as I possibly can well into the wee hours of the morning.

Yep. Tonight is our second annual Top Shelf Tuesday and it is going to be fucking EPIC.

Sun kissed

Sun kissed sand colored skin lay bare A tapestry of eroticism glowing with desire Seeping lascivious proclivities, whispering Taunting, teas...