Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My type

I'm digging this song by Jamie Foxx featuring Drake - Fall for your type; and I'm really grooving to it and I thought for a second, what's my type, do I even have a type - I know, you're thinking you're married, the woman you married is your type. To which I can say yes and no - she's great woman, physically and intellectually astounding - by no means perfect, but she's perfect for me. I can tell you physically what attracts me to a woman - but then again not every woman fits that mold and may be attracted to them. So what's my type? I like a strong willed, free thinker - but every now and then I'd like to play the Gepetto (molding can be fun). Hmmm!

I think sometimes we gravitate or certain persons gravitate towards us - for me it seems to be attractive women with some sought of neurosis - which seems to fit perfectly with my handy man complex - which is my neurosis - my sometimes misguide need to want to fix people's problems, give advice, by that dude they can talk to and lift their spirits. Now that I'm seeing it in black and white it's no wonder my thoughts are sometimes so haunting - they just won't leave me alone.

Which brings me back to my question - what in my type? Hmmm! Still not sure, so I'll take the easy way out - my type is woman. :-D

All's well

I should be sleeping, I know, but your name was mentioned and I could not say that this was just a blog I once knew - like some of the tryst who have occupied my thoughts, sated my desire and left my life leaving nothing but a vapour, a hint of having touched my life - significantly or otherwise. "The Sheep_SLU", my sanctuary, my therapist, my outlet for the twisted thoughts that torture my mind - I could not dismiss you as merely something to do - a disposable pleasure - a timely distraction, no, to me you mean more than that - and so I return albeit briefly, to the clacking of keys , the letters strung together birthing words, words delivering sentences, sentences growing to an expression of thought.

Yes short, but sweet, it feels good to see my inside spill over onto this screen. I'll be back before long, before you have time to miss my stroking.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I have been dead so long - yet I had not noticed the stench from the decay that my life had become. I stopped, growing, stopped learning - become stuck in the coffin of my existence. But that is about to change, like Lazarus I have come back from the dead - not with the same energy, but certainly revived, with a new sense of purpose. The road to re-claim my life will not be easy and certainly not a destination, I expect that there will be moments when I may slip into coma - but my rise will be strategic, measured, focused. Every journey begins with a single step - watch me rise from the doldrums of my discontent and walk into a whole new world. Like a phoenix I rise from the ashes - let this posting be my marker.

Sun kissed

Sun kissed sand colored skin lay bare A tapestry of eroticism glowing with desire Seeping lascivious proclivities, whispering Taunting, teas...